Pasture Bedtime Nighttime  - Solid Tallow Balm

Pasture Bedtime Nighttime - Solid Tallow Balm

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It's here!!! Grass fed beef tallow balm will change your life and your skin! 

Beef tallow has been used for centuries in skin care and cooking, Considered a "superior" fat as it contains fat soluble vitamins and is bio identical to human cells, perfect for full and complete absorption and nourishment! Beef tallow supports digestive, nerve, brain, muscle and  joint health like no other fat.

Just three simple ingredients in this balm - Grass Fed Beef Tallow, Jojoba Oil and Essential Oils of Lavender, Frankincense and Lemongrass. 

Not just for bedtime, in fact I use this one morning and night, face to feet!!

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